Ongoing Support to Fit Every Teacher's Needs
We offer unparalleled support for teachers using our curriculum, including unlimited mentoring available on-demand and monthly webinars providing just-in-time guidance.
"It's comforting to know that if I have a question there is a team of people waiting to answer my questions."
—Sharon C.
To ensure teacher success, UTeach Computer Science offers comprehensive support on all aspects of course implementation, including curriculum and teacher materials, background computer science content, project-based pedagogical strategies, pacing, technical issues, and College Board policies. The UTeach Computer Science team also helps connect teachers with peers and external resources.
Unlimited support includes:
- Individualized mentoring and on-demand support by phone, video, or email with dedicated teacher support specialists who are experienced high school computer science teachers
- Webinars and support videos providing just-in-time guidance on meeting College Board requirements, implementing inquiry-based pedagogical practices, and applying strategies for broadening participation in computer science
- Professional learning community, facilitated by the UTeach Computer Science team, where teachers can connect with each other in private groups and monthly meetups to share resources, challenges, and successes
Current UTeach CS teacher in need of assistance? Contact Support