Affordable Prices, Exceptional Education
We are committed to providing high-quality curriculum and support at affordable prices.
2024–25 Pricing
Annual licenses occur on a per teacher basis, and include curriculum, support, and Codio student accounts for your UTeach CS course.
Licenses may be purchased on their own or with accompanying professional development.
Registration is open for 2024–25! Early bird discounts end April 30, 2024.
License Costs
1-Year License
$800 (CSP)
$800 (CSA)
$1,500 (CSP & CSA)
2-Year License
$1,500 (CSP)
$1,500 (CSA)
$3,000 (CSP & CSA)
Professional Development Costs
Online PD Workshops
$1,000 (AP CSP Workshop)
$1,000 (AP CSA Workshop)
Contact us for in-person PD costs
Online PD Bootcamps
$2,000 (AP CSA Bootcamp)
Need a Quote?
Request a quote if you need formal documentation of the above program costs before registering. If you only need an invoice, you may skip this step and proceed directly to registration since invoices are automatically included in the registration confirmation email.
All-Inclusive Licenses
Each UTeach CSP or UTeach CSA license includes:
- Comprehensive, classroom-ready materials
- Seamless teaching experience with comprehensive lesson plans, interactive student textbook, embedded teacher guidance, student assessments, integrated programming environments, and gradebook all in one place
- Teacher-tested lesson plans include instructions for facilitating each lesson, pacing guides, recommendations for synchronous and asynchronous learning, instructional strategies, example projects, single point rubrics, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and embedded teacher guidance
- Formative and summative assessments include multiple choice questions, reflection questions, Parsons Problems, fill in the blank questions, coding assignments, open-ended projects, AP-style review questions, and AP-style unit exams
- Resources for meeting College Board course requirements include a College Board–approved syllabus and lessons directly aligned with AP topics and skills, which allows teachers to easily connect classroom learning to additional resources from AP Classroom
- Unlimited teacher support
- Individualized mentoring and on-demand support by phone, video, or email with dedicated teacher support specialists who are experienced high school computer science teachers
- Webinars and support videos providing just-in-time guidance on meeting College Board requirements, implementing inquiry-based pedagogical practices, and applying strategies for broadening participation in computer science
- Professional learning community, facilitated by the UTeach Computer Science team, where teachers can connect with each other in private groups and monthly meetups to share resources, challenges, and successes
- Codio platform access with student accounts for your UTeach CS course
- Built-in programming environments for Scratch, Python, and Java alongside comprehensive teacher materials and interactive student textbook
- Auto-graded assessments, which help teachers grade 75% faster, and code feedback tools
- Customization so teachers can modify lesson plans, add their own assignments, and edit course settings to fit their students’ needs
- Easy LMS integration (LTI integration streamlines account creation, single sign-on, and grade passthrough to other learning management systems including Blackboard, Canvas, Google Classroom, Moodle, Schoology, and more.)
Professional Development
We highly recommend that teachers new to each UTeach CS course complete our professional development (PD) if they are new to teaching with the UTeach CS curriculum. During professional development, teachers master foundational course content and AP requirements while practicing the collaborative, project-based instructional strategies necessary to teach our courses. Our professional development workshops for both AP CS Principles and AP CS A are College Board–endorsed and may be substituted for an AP Institute.
Professional development must be purchased with an accompanying curriculum license. Teachers are highly encouraged, but not required, to purchase PD in addition to their license.
Want to Learn More?
Receive curriculum samples, schedule a personalized demo, or ask about group discounts.