Level-Up Your CS Teaching
Whether you’re new to computer science, new to inquiry-based teaching, or experienced with both, we can help you elevate your content knowledge and develop effective instructional strategies!
Online and In-Person Professional Development
We offer training opportunities for new and returning teachers who will be teaching UTeach CS Principles and UTeach CS A courses. Our professional development workshops focus on mastering the course content, AP requirements, and project-based instructional strategies necessary for success. We strongly recommend that teachers attend our College Board–endorsed professional development before teaching a UTeach CS course for the first time. Our professional development may be substituted in place of attending an AP Institute training.
See our current professional development schedule
Ongoing Support
We provide unparalleled support for our UTeach CS teachers, including:
- On-demand coaching by phone, video, or email
- Webinars and support videos offering "just-in-time" guidance
- Access to a vibrant online professional learning community
Read more about our ongoing support
Webinars and Support Videos
UTeach CS offers continuing education through free, public webinars on topics ranging from implementing inquiry-based pedagogical practices, applying strategies for broadening participation in computer science, and meeting College Board requirements. Additional webinars and support videos are provided for teachers with an active license, which focus on just-in-time support for course implementation.
Micro-Credentials for K-12 Educators
UTeach CS provides free micro-credentials for K-12 educators interested in computer science. These job-embedded micro-credentials allow educators to highlight the competency-based skills they've developed on a variety of research-backed topics.
You can select a topic that’s new to you, level up on a skill, or demonstrate your expertise on a variety of skills, such as recruitment, pair programming, rubber duck debugging, and more!